Choosing an Asphalt or Concrete Driveway

asphalt or concrete driveway

Are you going to choose an asphalt or concrete driveway? Make an educated decision.

Whether you’re building a new home, renovating an old driveway, or simply adding a paved area — whether a driveway or other similar structure like a patio — there are often two choices for paving materials: asphalt and concrete. The two materials are similar, and each will certainly get the job done, but there are some important differences to be aware of before you make your choice between an asphalt or concrete driveway. As always when faced with a tough decision — it’s time for pros and cons.

What You’ll Get From Asphalt

Asphalt is most commonly used for driveways, roads, and parking lots, and is made from stone, sand, gravel, and bitumen, which is the tar-like binding agent. It’s more practical for larger areas because it’s significantly more cost-effective. Another huge advantage is that asphalt can be re-paved, re-layered, or repaired very easily, and won’t need to be replaced entirely. Additionally, its dark color hides stains, and its strong binding makes it less likely to crack or suffer snow damage. However, asphalt does have some drawbacks in that it has a shorter lifespan than cement (but remember it can be easily repaired), requires occasional maintenance and resealing, and can soften in extreme heat or sunlight. Overall, an asphalt driveway is a great choice.

What You’ll Get From Concrete

Concrete is made by mixing sand, gravel, and cement. It’s another great choice for driveways and hardscaping features. As far as benefits of concrete go, it outdoes asphalt in terms of longevity and requires much less maintenance. Another huge benefit of concrete that often goes unrecognized is its customizability. Concrete can be stamped to give it texture of stone, brick, or other paving materials, and it can be colored to your design preference. On the other side of the coin, concrete can be prone to cracks in cold weather and isn’t easy to repair, and it is fairly more expensive than asphalt.

Ultimately, when choosing between an asphalt or concrete driveway, the decision is up to you which set of pros better outweighs their respective cons. At the end of the day, either one will give you a great driveway for a long period of time. What’s even better is that it’ll come to you courtesy of Testa Paving!

Contact Testa Today for Your Asphalt or Concrete Driveway

If you are in the need of asphalt paving services, Testa Paving Inc. is here to help! For over 35 years, Testa Paving Inc. has been a driving force within the industry and has been serving the areas of Maryland and northern Virginia.

Interested in one of the services offered by Testa Paving Inc.? Call us today at 301-663-5861 or visit our contact page.

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